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Artist Statement

Although oil paint was my main focus for my portfolio, I explored using other mediums to help support my sustained investigation. Using mediums like collage and plexiglass shows my practice and experimentation. Towards the beginning of my portfolio’s formation, my main focus was a generalized dream-state concept. I wanted to represent the disorientation and fantastical elements that are associated with that. However, I noticed that the element of nostalgia continued to show up in my concepts and work. Dreaming and daydreaming -- in many ways -- have their ultimate root in childhood. As children, we have heightened imaginations which cause more intense emotions. Likewise, All of my works carry intense imagery and emotion. I began to experiment with combining both concepts into a more cohesive investigation. Throughout my works, a single person tends to reappear. This person is me, traveling through the different levels of the subconscious. I can be seen as a silhouette and up-close through self-portraits. In terms of my physical work, I made many adaptations and revisions. My personal style became more and more formed throughout the process of creating my sustained investigation. 

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